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Courses Taught at Galgotias University

     Theory Classes:


B. Tech:

☛. CLE301PDW:   Principles and Design of Water Supply and Treatment Systems

☛. CLE303WWT:   Principles and Design of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems

☛. CLE313/226WRE: Water Resources Engineering

☛. CLE375HYD:    Engineering Hydrology

☛. CLE402ANP:      Air and Noise Pollution

☛. CLE473GWE:   Groundwater Engineering



☛. ENE523WWW:  Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

☛. ENE567GIS:       Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

☛. ENE591EEC:      Energy, Environment and climate Change

☛. ENE683/682CDM: Clean Development Mechanism and Green Technologies


            Other lectures (substitution):



     Laboratory classes:


​1    CLE-242P    Soil Mechanics Laboratory
2    CLE-246P    Water Analysis Laboratory
3    CLE-254P    Fluid Mechanics Lab
4    CLE301P     Principles & Design of water supply & Treatment Systems Laboratory
5    CLE-354P    Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Laboratory
6    ENE-523P    Design of Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems
7    ENE-552P    Environmental Quality Monitoring Lab


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Published:       06-Oct-2014   

 Updated:       25-Dec-2019   

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