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Water Resources Engineering

Environmental Engineering


Climate change and adaptation strategies:-

        Agro-Hydrological simulations using SWAT, APEX, and EPIC


            The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT):-

            Watershed level; To assess the impacts of potential future climate change on the hydrology of the River Basin. The                           impact of climate change on the quantity and quality of river stream

            The Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX): -

            Farm level; Assessments of crop yield as a function of climate change, land use change, or water management

            Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC): -

            Field level; Assessments of crop yield as a function of climate change, land use change, or water management

            Other models:-

            AquaCrop, CROPWAT.


Water Use Efficiency of Rice, in a pilot area of Manjira Sub-Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India.


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Published:       06-Oct-2014   

 Updated:       25-Dec-2019   

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